You're reading: Daily Digest: Top news of Monday, Sept. 30
  • President Zelensky rebuffed Donald Trump’s request to investigate Joe Biden. Foreign countries should not be calling the shots for Ukraine, Zelensky said in the Sept. 30 comment. “We can’t be commanded to do anything. We are an independent country.” Read more here.
  • The president also accepted Oleksandr Danylyuk’s resignation as head of the National Security Council. Danylyuk, who was seen as one of the top reformers in Zelensky’s administration, submitted his resignation earlier in September. Zelensky appointed Danylyuk to serve as the head of the Security and Defense Council on May 28.
  • Zelensky gave a key job to top Yanukovych prosecutor’s daughter. He appointed to the High Council of Justice a daughter of a top prosecutor who served ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, preferring her to several candidates with a reputation for integrity.
  • The U.S. targeted two Russians with election-related sanctions. It said they were tied to the Internet Research Agency, a Russian “troll farm” that was indicted by then-U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller for attempting to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.