You're reading: Creditors of insolvent banks receive over Hr 1.1 billion in repayments in July

Creditors of insolvent Ukrainian banks in July 2021 received Hr 1.123 billion in repayments, the Deposit Guarantee Fund reported on August 26.

According to the report, Hr 208 million were allocated to pay off the guaranteed compensation to depositors within the Hr 200,000 amount, and Hr 906.2 million to pay off claims of legal entities that are not related to the bank.

It is indicated that Hr 388.9 million were allocated for the extraordinary repayment of secured creditors’ claims, of which Hr 338.8 million were allocated to pay off NBU claims at the expense of Rodovid Bank (UAH 233.3 million), Financial Initiative Bank (Hr 99.2 million) and Finance and Credit Bank (Hr 6.3 million).

In general, as of August 1, 2021, claims of creditors of insolvent banks were repaid for a total of Hr 54.496 billion, including Hr 16.468 billion for the repayment of secured creditors’ claims, and Hr 15.187 billion for the satisfaction of cclaims.