You're reading: Court arrests would-be assassin of Osmayev and Okuyeva for 2 months – Prosecutor General’s Office

Kyiv’s Holosiyivsky District Court has remanded into custody for two months the would-be assassin of Ukrainian Military Operation veterans Adam Osmayev and his wife Amina Okuyeva. No bail was set.

According to the press service of the Kyiv Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO), the court made its decision on June 7.

“The hearing was attended by the suspect, who was brought to court and accompanied by doctors and police,” the court said.

The suspect is suspected of violating Part 2 of Article 15, Paragraph 1 and Part 2 of Article 115 (attempted murder), as well as part 1 of Article 263 (unlawful possession of firearms) of Ukraine’s Criminal Code.

It is believed that the assailant, who introduced himself as a foreign journalist, had arranged for a meeting with the couple beforehand. “When they got into the car, the man took out a Glock pistol from a box and shot Osmayev in the chest. In response Amina fired several shots with her Makarov pistol into the gunman,” the police statement says.

Anton Gerashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian interior minister, said later that the killer was found in possession of a Ukrainian identification document in the name of Dakar, Oleksandr Venusovych, born 1958.