You're reading: Chubarov: Russia will use Kerch tragedy to pressure those in Crimea not loyal to regime, including Crimean Tatars

Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine deputy (Petro Poroshenko Bloc faction) and Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars Refat Chubarov has said Russia will use the tragedy at the Kerch technical school in occupied Crimea to pressure those not loyal to the Kremlin regime, including Crimean Tatars.

“In the face of this teenager who became a murderer, we see the product of the Putin regime and the rule of his era. Why did it happen in Crimea? Because Russian occupation in the occupying territory is reaching its most aggressive form,” Chubarov said in parliament on Thursday.

Chubarov said Russia daily “drives” hatred of Ukraine into people’s heads.

“If you monitor the Crimean media, there is propagated hatred for Ukraine, the Crimean Tatars,” Chubarov said, adding that Russian law enforcement agencies on the occupied peninsula would ratchet up repressions against Crimean Tatars.

“And also against other people who, from the point of view of the invaders, are not loyal to the occupation regime. In the near future, various forms of pressure, including detention, will be increased against Crimean Tatars,” he said.