You're reading: Cabinet approves new wording of Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine until 2035

The government has approved a new wording of the Maritime Doctrine of Ukraine for the period until 2035.

The draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers was approved without discussion at a government meeting on December 18.

The Ministry of Infrastructure, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade together with the relevant interested executive authorities were tasked within three months to develop and submit to the government a plan of actions for the implementation of the Maritime Doctrine for the period until 2035.

According to an explanatory note to the document available to the Interfax-Ukraine agency, the adoption of the new wording of the Maritime Doctrine, approved by the government in October 2009, is due to radical changes in the geopolitical, military-political and economic situation in the world and the need to update the vectors of Ukraine’s development as a maritime state.

The preparation of the updated doctrine meets the complex task of forming an integrated maritime policy based on the relevant provisions of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union, the development of commercial shipping, port infrastructure, shipbuilding and ship repairs, coastal recreational activities, the development of the natural resources of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, the protection and reproduction of their ecosystems.