You're reading: Broadcasting Company Board delays Alasania termination until May

The advisory board of the public joint-stock-company National Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (PBC) of Ukraine has decided to delay its decision to sack PBC Board Chairman Zurab Alasania until May 6.

At an extraordinary advisory board meeting on Feb. 12 a proposal was made to revise the previous decision of the council.

“The journalistic community and members of the public strongly condemned the decision taken earlier to terminate Alasania’s contract in violation of the relevant legal procedures and without due reason. Advisory board members have decided to postpone their decision and leave Alasania as board chairman until May 2019,” UA:PBC’s press service said.

The supervisory board said the decision was motivated the desire to dispel public doubts about the political context of its earlier decision.

The advisory board approved PBC’s financial plan and UA:PBC’s annual general report for 2018.

Chairwoman of PBC’s advisory board Svitlana Ostap told the Kyiv-based media portal that 11 board members voted in favor of delaying Alasania’s dismissal until May 2019. Four members voted against the measure, she said.