You're reading: Agriculture ministry reports Ukrainian farmers’ demand for mineral fertilizers met by 79 percent

Ukrainian farmers as of March 2, 2018, had been provided with mineral fertilizers for the spring sowing campaign by 79 percent with 788,000 tonnes available together with ending stocks.

As of the same date in 2017, farmers had 83 percent of the needed amount of mineral fertilizers, the Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has said.

To protect plants from weeds, diseases and pests, producers assessed their needs in the first half of 2018 at 30,100 tonnes of pesticides (28,600 tonnes in 2017), including 19,800 tonnes of herbicides.

Farmers as of March 2 had bought 16,800 tonnes of plant protection chemicals (56% of the demand), including 11,100 tonnes of herbicides (56 percent).

“Agricultural producers’ technological demand for fuel for the period of spring field work in 2018 is estimated at 404,000 tonnes of diesel fuel and 92,000 tonnes of petrol. As of March 2, they had bought 273,000 tonnes of diesel fuel and 62,000 tonnes of petrol, which is 68% and 67% of the demand,” the ministry said.