You're reading: 2 Ukrainian soldiers wounded in Donbas today

Two Ukrainian servicemen were wounded on April 27 amid shell attacks mounted by illegal armed formations in Donbas, Joint Forces Operation reported on Facebook.

“Near the village of Pivdenne, the enemy fired from automatic easel grenade launchers. As a result of the shell attack, one of our defenders received a shrapnel wound. Also, another Ukrainian hero was wounded near the village of Krymske. The enemy used grenade launchers of various systems and heavy machine guns,” reads the report.

Earlier, the Defense Ministry informed about one shell attack committed by the militants since the beginning of the day (at positions near the village of Katerynivka in the Luhansk region) as of 1230 and there were no losses in the ranks of the military. Thus, based on the data of the department and the JFO HQ, the shelling near Pivdenne and Krymske, which caused injuries to the servicemen, occurred after 1230.

“The soldiers were given first aid and were promptly evacuated to the medical facilities,” the report said.

According to the JFO, its units using the available firearms gave the militants an “adequate response.”