In the following five districts, new elections will be held:

Constituency 94, Kyiv Oblast

There are multiple alleged violations in this constituency, where Tetiana Zasukha, a prominent member of the pro-presidential Party of Regions, was running. She filed 28 lawsuits claiming her observers were banned from the vote count. She won all the lawsuits, despite the fact that election commissioners were not allowed to testify. There were physical fights after court hearings. All appeals were rejected by higher courts. The district election commission then canceled results from 27 precincts, involving the votes of about 0,000 residents, and pronounced Zasukha winner. The CEC ordered a new election in this constituency.

Tetiana Zasukha, a pro-presidential Party of Regions candidate for parliament, talks to an assistant in district 94. (

Constituency 132, Mykolaiv Oblast


There were multiple alleged violations in this constituency on voting day with how ballots were handled and results counted. On Nov. 1, it was discovered that the ballots were not stored properly and mixed up. A local court ordered the confiscation of original protocols with election results, in contradiction of the law. They were confiscated by a Berkut special police unit, with use of force and teargas. The protocols turned out to be fakes. The CEC ordered a new election in this constituency.

Constituency 194, Cherkasy Oblast

Two days after voting, the computer administrator stole access codes to the voting tabulation computer and disappeared. The Party of Regions filed 15 lawsuits in precincts where the opposition candidate won. On Oct. 31, representatives of the opposition were forced out of office where the votes are counted and         tabulated in the district commission, while the commission chief disappeared with originals of vote protocols, which have to be sent to CEC for cross-checking. The CEC ordered a new election in this constituency, despite results showing the oppositional candidate winning the election by more than 12,000 votes. Observers from OPORA civic network consider this decision controversial.


Constituency 197, Cherkasy Oblast

Vote counting was very slow in this constituency. On Oct. 31, 10 members of the district election commission left the room and stalled the tabulation. At intervals, electricity was switched off here, too. Electronic data was entered slowly and with multiple errors. Representatives of opposition on the commission were bullied. On Nov.5, the pro-government candidate Bohdan Hubskiy was proclaimed the winner. The CEC ordered a new election in this constituency.

Constituency 223, Kyiv

The vote count here was delayed and representatives of the pro-government candidate Viktor Pylypyshyn were reported spoiling ballots in the process. Cases of pressure and attempts to bribe some district election commissioners were recorded. Svoboda Party candidate Yuriy Levchenko won by 26 votes here, but the CEC has ordered a new election in this constituency.

District election commission members in Kyiv’s district 223, where cases of pressure and attempted bribery of election commissioners were recorded. (Svitlana Tuchynska)

In eight other districts, the opposition says it has documented multiple election violations, most of which are criminal offenses under articles 157-158 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In particular, the following violations are alleged:

Constituency 11, Vinnytsia Oblast


After the district election commission pronounced oppositional candidate Natalya Soleyko winner, five people crept onto the premises of the commission and destroyed boxes containing ballots in Soleyko’s favor. Representatives of government-backed candidate Oleksandr Dombrovskiy demanded a recount of votes. After the recount, Dombrovskiy emerged as the winner. International observers were banned from the recount.

Constituency 14, Vinnytsia Oblast  

The district election commission ordered a recount of votes in the constituency based on false claims of a Party of Regions candidate that the ballot boxes were damaged during transportation from the precinct election commissions. The ballots cast for the opposition candidate turned out to have been spoiled with a second mark, and were not taken into consideration during the recount. Viktor Zherebniuk, the pro-government candidate, won as a result.

Ballot boxes were damaged during transportation from the precinct election commissions in Vinnytsia Oblast’s district 14. (

Constituency 20, Volyn Oblast

On Oct. 31, representatives of Berkut, a special police unit, went to the district election commission and forced out all members of the commission representing the opposition. Oppositional candidate Roman Karpyuk lost by 428 votes.

Constituency 90, Kyiv Oblast

Representatives of the district election commission entered false data into the electronic vote counting system, and falsified paper protocols that record election results. Vitaliy Chudnovskiy, the boyfriend of Party of Regions deputy Yulia Lyovochkina, won the election as a result. Lyvochkina is the sister of Serhiy Lyovochkin, presidential chief of staff.


Constituency 183, Kherson Oblast

The Odesa Court of Appeals canceled the results of election here, although the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms candidate Andriy Putilov was winning by more than 5,000 votes. Appeals are ongoing, but in case of a recount, the opposition fears ballot spoiling and other tricks.

Constituency 211, Kyiv

The deputy head of the district election commission broke the seals on packaged ballots, which allowed the pro-government candidate to file a lawsuit demanding a recount. The court approved a recount, for which Berkut special police unit was called in and surrounded the workers of the election commission, blocking them from the view of observers. Oppositional candidate Serhiy Teryokhin suffered minor injuries in a fight with Berkut. After a number of court cases, Teryokhin won the election in this constituency.

Constituency 214, Kyiv

After the initial ballot count, UDAR candidate Viktor Chumak won by more than 5,000 votes. Then the result of the protocol was altered and pro-government candidate Oles Dovhy took the lead. Eventually, the result was corrected by the CEC.

Constituency 216, Kyiv

The pro-government candidate is challenging the result of the vote in this constituency in court, demanding a recount. Opposition candidate Kseniya Lyapina won the election, but her allies fear that the ballot will be spoiled during the recount, as in other constituencies. Her rivals are also demanding the cancellation of results in 16 precincts, which will reverse the election result. 

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