The “Maps and Arrows” Telegram channel, maintained by Yan Matveev a military affairs analyst with the independent Russian news outlet Популярная Политика (Popular Politics), published a critique on Friday of the “One Victory for All” section of Russia’s 80th Victory Anniversary Website. The site, which first appeared on Jan. 16 says it is dedicated to the contribution of all the republics of the USSR on “the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.”

The header to the section of the website reads:

“The Great Patriotic War became a test that united the multinational Soviet people. Great victories were achieved, millions of lives were saved, and peace was restored through joint efforts. This section is dedicated to the contribution of each of the USSR republics to the common cause of fighting fascism: from heroism at the front to labor feats in the rear. Here you will learn about the exploits of soldiers, partisans, and civilians whose courage and unity changed the course of history.”


Matveev points out that, although 10 of the former republics are listed, there is no mention of the three Baltic countries – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – or the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.

He was appalled by this, saying:

“Seriously! They just forgot about the Ukrainians, millions of whom fought at the front. The second number of deaths, the second number of Heroes of the USSR. The people whose country was completely captured and destroyed by Hitler’s army.”

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The site was set up by an organizing committee created by the decree of Russian leader Vladimir Putin dated Aug. 9, 2023.

Putin appointed the committee chairman Anton Vaino, who was granted power over funding for expenses related to the preparation and holding of events dedicated to the celebration of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.


Interestingly, in the exclusion of the Baltics from the website, it is ironic that Vaino is of Estonian extraction.

Matveev challenged the omissions which prompted pro-Kremlin commentators to point out that at the bottom of the page there is a disclaimer:

The materials of this section are under development.

Matveev said this was a falsehood as the site had been updated twice since then, on Jan. 17 and Feb. 14, and there had been no noticeable changes to the content.

He concluded that the authors of the site planned this from the start and categorized it as a “deliberate rewriting of history,” an accusation Putin has leveled at the rest of the world.

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