The largest internet providers in Russian-occupied Crimea suffered a massive cyberattack on Wednesday, June 26, the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine (HUR), which claimed credit for the attack, told Kyiv Post.

Several large service providers in Crimea were hit by HUR’s cyber-attack, the source said.

According to the Deputy Minister of Internal Policy, Information and Communications of the occupation administration Yulia Kyryk, the types of cyber-attacks the Russian occupation authorities are seeing from the Ukrainians is constantly changing.

In early June, HUR cyber specialists carried out a massive attack on the websites of the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation.


On June 12, on the so-called “Day of Russia,” the Ukrainians attacked online platforms of Russian airports, leading to flight delays.

“It seems that it's time for Russian cyber specialists to…turn on their Cheburnet instead of the World Wide Web and install a native-Russian firewall, separating themselves from the entire free world. This is the only way they have a chance to protect themselves from our attacks,” Kyiv Post’s source said.

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