Electricity usage for industrial consumers is to be restricted between 7 p.m. and midnight on Saturday following Russia’s overnight drone strike on the Poltava and Kharkiv regions, reported Ukraine’s Ministry of Infrastructure.

It added that there are no planned outages for household users at present.

“At night, in the Poltava and Kharkiv regions, enemy drones attacked energy facilities. No casualties. However, there is damage to the equipment, the consequences are being clarified,” announced the Ministry on Facebook regarding the overnight strikes.

In addition, the Ministry said Ukraine also requested an “emergency supply of electricity” from Romania, Slovakia and Poland due to the Russian strikes on Ukrainian energy infrastructure in recent weeks.


It added that Ukraine is expected to import 20,411 MWh of electricity today, without any exports.

As reported by Kyiv Post on Wednesday, recent Russian strikes have heavily damaged Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, causing key facilities to fail and forcing the country to import electricity from neighboring EU nations to meet demand.

Earlier, Kyiv Post shared footage from Lviv, in Western Ukraine, where buildings in the city center and streetlights were completely dark on Tuesday.

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