The White House is worried that Russia has figured out how to counter many of the weapons the US has sent to Ukraine, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing American officials.

Biden administration officials fear that just as the United States has learned key lessons from the war – about technologies that work and those that don’t – so has Putin.

According to the NYT, “the next few months could prove critical, because at some moment the two sides may finally move to a negotiated cease-fire, an armistice. similar to the one that ended the active fighting in Korea in 1953 – or simply a frozen conflict.”

Washington’s biggest concern is that Moscow is replacing weapons destroyed in the first 27 months of the war and regaining its footing.


On May 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Chinese news agency Xinhua that Russia was ready to hold peace talks with Ukraine, but with Russia’s interests in mind.

“We want a peaceful, sustainable and fair settlement of this conflict. And we are open to dialogue on Ukraine, but these should be negotiations that take into account the interests of all countries involved in this conflict, including our interests,” Putin said.

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