Detained Russian agent in Kharkiv, Photo credit Tsaplienko Telegram channel

A Ukrainian man has been detained in Kharkiv suspected of providing Russia with information on the location and movements of Ukrainian troops.

According to the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), the unnamed man communicated with handlers over the Telegram messaging app and had been doing so for around three months.

A message reportedly found on his phone read: “Well, I know one place exactly where they (Armed Forces of Ukarine) are based. Cameras there have been installed there and repaired.

“The only thing I am worried about is that my relatives live there very close. I will let you know. I can take photos.”

The man was detained on Monday Jan. 30 after being caught near critical infrastructure in Kharkiv.


Investigators served the man a notice of suspicion for unauthorized dissemination of information about the deployment of the AFU. He faces up to 12 years in prison if convicted.

The arrest comes a day after Kharkiv was shelled by Russian forces. The governor of the regional military administration said a Russian strike hit "a four-storey residential building".

"Three victims received minor injuries. Unfortunately, an elderly woman died ... The building was partially destroyed," Oleh Synehubov said on Telegram.

Russian shelling in Kharkiv damaged a building in the center. Photo credit Oleh Syniehubov Telegram channel.

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