Far from the battlefields in Ukraine, members of the Ukrainian-American community are waging a crucial fight on another front: Capitol Hill.

From Sept. 22-25, the fifth Ukraine Action Summit, organized by the American Coalition for Ukraine (ACU), convened in Washington DC, bringing together over 500 delegates from 45 states, who engaged with members of Congress to advocate for increased support for Ukraine.

Key issues at the summit included the continuation of military and humanitarian aid, as well as the introduction of new legislation to foster long-term bilateral security cooperation between Ukraine and the United States.

The event organizers conducted advocacy training to equip attendees with the tools they need to effectively advocate for Ukraine.


A two-page informatic document was created, highlighting the most critical legislative and policy priorities in support of Ukraine. The goal was to secure legislative commitments from members of Congress, encourage them to attend local community events related to Ukraine, and press the Biden administration to permit Ukraine to target military installations within Russia, among other key objectives.

Protestors outside the capital building advocating for Ukraine being allowed to strike back against Russia. Source: David Kirichenko

Eddie Priymak, a delegate from Washington State, said: “My personal goal for this summit was to encourage our congressmen to continue supporting Ukraine. When the politicians hear directly from Ukrainians that there is an active diaspora within their district, their ears perk up. The more active the diaspora, the greater the possibility of influencing our politicians. This was just one summit, but a continued effort by the diaspora can play an important role in helping Ukraine.”


I was part of the Washington delegation at the summit, where I met with staffers from both the Senate and House of Representatives representing Washington state.

Among all the offices we engaged with, the staff from U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell’s (WA) office stood out as the most attentive.

Stacy Baird, Senator Cantwell’s Senior Policy Advisor, was especially empathetic to our cause, asking numerous thoughtful questions. He was particularly interested in hearing about my experiences as a war journalist on the front lines in Ukraine and why additional military support is crucial for Ukraine’s success on the battlefield.

The Washington delegates taking a photo with Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington State. Source: Senator Cantwell’s staff.

After the meeting, we gathered for photos with the staff, and Senator Cantwell herself came outside.

We had the chance to speak briefly, and I shared my insights from the front lines, emphasizing how Ukrainian soldiers are fighting for the same values and ideals that Americans hold dear. I then asked the Senator to help apply pressure on the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to carry out long-range strikes within Russia.


The Washington delegates taking a photo with a staffer from Senator Patty Murray’s office. Source: Senator Cantwell’s staff.

The Idaho and Washington delegation, led by Borys Lebeda, included one sole representative from Idaho. Angela Cochran, as the sole constituent from her state, took the lead in meetings with staffers of Republican House members and senators. During one meeting, the legislative director of a Republican senator expressed how valuable it was for Angela to travel all the way to Washington DC to advocate for Ukraine. They emphasized that more community members should follow her example, as such efforts do influence how lawmakers vote.

The energy among the activists at the summit was electric, with everyone focused on raising awareness and fighting for Ukraine on the political front. I also had the chance to meet members of the NAFO community, such as Maria Marini, individuals I had only known virtually on X for a long time, adding a personal connection to an already inspiring event. I also had the opportunity to meet, for the first time, Oleh Matviyishyn, a member of the Ukrainian football community I had known for years on X, who was actively advocating at the summit.


Sarah Chadzynski, Board Member, Treasurer, and Summit Committee Chair, has been with the Coalition since "the wave of incredible grassroots efforts to support Ukraine came in strong." Reflecting on the impact of the fifth Ukraine Action Summit, she said, "It is always a positive sign when we see co-sponsorship of bills and resolutions coming in after our meetings."

Acknowledging the emotional toll the war has had on supporters, Chadzynski expressed that "being together in person bolsters our spirits and renews our strength to keep fighting in the way that we can." She further noted, "Congress is able to help Ukraine more than any one of us can, and that’s why this is such an important event for us to be doing."

With the US presidential elections approaching in November, members of the Ukrainian community are working tirelessly to keep Ukraine’s struggle at the forefront of American policymakers' minds and to bolster support for the country, regardless of the American political parties in power after the election.

The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post. 



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