“Churches are not to be touched,” Pope Francis proclaimed. His messaging was part of an Aug. 25 Vatican mass denouncing Ukraine for passing a law prohibiting religious organizations affiliated with Russia from operating in Ukraine. Unfortunately, Pope Francis has the wrong country. Ukraine is a beacon of religious freedom while Russia brutally sabotages religious liberties

The Pope says churches are untouchable. Really? What about the 630 churches in Ukraine damaged or destroyed by Russian forces according to the Institute for Religious Freedom? Why are they being ignored? This harkens back to the bleak WWII era when the Vatican appeased Germany by failing to condemn their atrocities. Increasingly it appears the Pope has become an ally of Russia.

The law aims to stop officials from the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) from sabotaging Ukraine by helping the Russian invaders. It was precipitated after Ukraine’s Security Service raided a church compound in 2022 and discovered some UOC-MP officials functioning as Russian spies aiming to undermine Ukraine’s National Security. Other priests are accused of distributing Russian propaganda to harm Ukraine.

Most Ukrainians rightfully view the UOC-MP as a Kremlin accomplice. One hundred clergy have been charged with treasonous crimes by Ukraine. This is precisely why Law No. 8371 passed by an overwhelming margin of 256 to 29.

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Despite rumors to the contrary, the UOC-MP is still legally bound to the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) and its patriarch. This means some bad actors in the UOC-MP remain loyal to the Moscow Patriarchate, which fully supports Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. To avoid confusion there is a similar sounding church, called the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, a good church that is truly independent of Moscow.

The ROC has become the Kremlin’s network of political takeover. Its hierarchy resembles a pagan mafia enterprise run by Moscow Patriarchate Kirill, worth about $4 billion in 2006 according to Forbes. Kirill works in tangent with his real boss, Russian President Vladimir Putin. Together their imperialistic ambitions are aligned with making “Moscow the third Rome,” portending a wider European invasion later.


The Pope also stated: “So let those who want to pray be allowed to pray in what they consider their church.” He is technically wrong because Ukraine is merely regulating church hierarchy and structure. Even in places where the Russian Orthodox Church is banned Ukrainians are free to pray. Additionally, the Pope’s messaging resembles the proverbial “balk at a camel, cower to a flea” approach. Russia – not Ukraine – terrorizes Christians with colossal repression.   

While visiting Ukraine as an American citizen, I’ve witnessed Russia’s deliberate bombing of the beautiful Transfiguration Cathedral in Odesa. I’ve also seen the spiritual passion of the Ukrainian people defending God given rights of religious freedom and liberty. If only the Pope would meet with the people of Ukraine he would realize the truth. Ukraine is a most religiously tolerant country.  


Americans can easily relate to Ukraine’s dilemma. During the revolutionary war, priests with the Church of England had the difficult choice between being loyal to America’s Independence movement or supporting the tyrannical English King.

A July 24 Congressional hearing titled “Russia’s persecution of Ukrainian Christians” completely debunks Pope Francis. During the hearing, Evangelical pastor Mark Sergeev testified how Russian forces threatened his son with an AK-47. They destroyed all 40 Evangelical churches in his Ukrainian city when they occupied it. Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) mentioned how Russia has weaponized religion as a part of an effort to “rebuild the evil Soviet empire.”

The Pope’s condemnation of Ukraine, using egregiously inaccurate religious messaging, is extremely harmful. In the US Congress some unscrupulous “Christian Nationalists” promoted similar Russian propaganda undermining critical life-saving funding for Ukraine.

In truth, many people in Russia idolize Joseph Stalin, the largest mass murderer ever. Russia tortures and imprisons Evangelical Christians, Crimean Tartars and Jehovah’s Witnesses. A Google search of “Russian priests preach evil” reveals how Russian priests encourage violence while blessing soldiers for their genocidal campaign in Ukraine.


Obviously, Pope Francis is human and makes mistakes like everyone else. If he really wants to improve religious freedom in Europe, he should outright condemn Russia’s invasion. Those priests in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church loyal to Russia can simply leave Ukraine along with their allied Russian invaders. Then the war will end so freedom can flourish.

The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post. 

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