In recent years, some American conservatives have developed a misplaced admiration for Vladimir Putin’s Russia, viewing it as a bastion of traditional values and a counterbalance to liberal excesses in the West. This misconception, however, is dangerously misleading. Contrary to the portrayal by some media and pundits, Putin’s Russia is not a traditionalist paradise but rather a continuation of Bolshevik Russia’s legacy in a post-truth digital world. Understanding this reality is essential for those committed to defending Western values and principles.

Putin’s regime is often mislabeled as ultra-right and conservative due to its strongman image and opposition to liberal ideologies, particularly regarding LGBTQ+ rights. However, these superficial stances mask a deeper alignment with the authoritarian and collectivist tendencies of the Bolshevik era. Russia under Putin ranks dismally in key areas reflecting societal health and morality, such as high rates of abortions, divorces, suicides, and state economic intervention.


Moreover, the so-called revival of the Russian Orthodox Church is largely superficial. Regular attendance is below 2 percent, and less than 5 percent of Russians have read the Bible. This facade of religiosity contrasts sharply with the genuine religious commitment found in countries like Ukraine. The current Moscow Patriarch, a former KGB agent, exemplifies this hypocrisy, blessing acts of violence while silencing dissenting clergy.

Russia - From Superpower to Lost in Space
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Russia - From Superpower to Lost in Space

Russia once seen as a repository of political, military and technological might is shown as a structure built on a foundation of sand which is being washed away by its failures in the war in Ukraine.

Islam, including a radical one, is filling the void left by Christianity, particularly in Muslim-majority regions like the North Caucasus, where, unlike in the core Russia, the population is growing. Mass illegal immigration from Central Asian countries persists, and Russian regions like Chechnya and Dagestan increasingly replace secular law with Sharia. As in the infamous days of the Mongol yoke, Russia is becoming a vassal of an Eastern giant, China, that is preparing for war with the US. It is all happening while my compatriots from Russian “rust belts” (like myself) are being sacrificed in a senseless fratricidal war.



To effectively counter Putin’s propaganda, it is imperative to emphasize and uphold genuine traditional values.

Putin’s Russia exhibits many characteristics of its Soviet predecessor, cloaked in statist-imperialist rhetoric. The regime’s economic policies, social control mechanisms, and geopolitical strategies are reminiscent of the Soviet Union’s totalitarian approach. Nationalists and true conservatives who criticized these policies started to face severe repression much earlier and more harshly than liberals. For instance, all major right-wing leaders who refused to support the Kremlin’s anti-Western campaign have been imprisoned, exiled, or killed since 2014. Many now actively oppose Putin, fighting against him in Ukraine within the Russian Volunteer Corps.

Western liberals, focused on their globalist agenda, often misinterpret or intentionally oversimplify the nature of Putin’s regime, labeling it as a conservative or right-wing phenomenon. This mislabeling inadvertently aids Putin by disarming genuine conservatives who might otherwise oppose him. It all adds up to a failure to recognize Putin’s pseudo-traditionalism as a tactical façade rather than an honest ideological stance. This misunderstanding allows Putin to manipulate Western elites and perpetuate his authoritarian rule. Unfortunately, many Western conservatives, misled by liberal narratives, may find themselves sympathizing with a regime that fundamentally opposes their core values. Recognizing the true nature of Putin’s government is crucial for building effective opposition.


Truly traditional values

To effectively counter Putin’s propaganda, it is imperative to emphasize and uphold genuine traditional values. This approach will expose the hollow nature of Putin’s regime and undermine his attempts to co-opt conservative rhetoric for authoritarian ends.

  • Moral Integrity and National Sovereignty: True conservatism champions moral integrity and national sovereignty. Putin’s regime, however, sacrifices these principles for geopolitical gain. His actions in Ukraine, aggressive foreign policy, and alliances with authoritarian regimes like China and Iran betray any pretense of moral governance.
  • Individual Freedoms: Genuine conservatives value individual freedoms, which Putin systematically undermines. From suppressing free speech and political dissent to controlling religious expression, Putin’s government exemplifies the antithesis of conservative principles of liberty and personal responsibility.
  • Grassroots Empowerment: Supporting grassroots movements and individuals who advocate for conservative values within Russia but reject the anti-western dictatorship is crucial. This includes backing nationalist leaders who oppose Putin’s expansionist policies and authoritarian rule, as well as providing platforms for dissidents who expose the regime’s hypocrisies.

Learning from experience

As a long-time opponent of Putin’s regime, I have witnessed firsthand the regime’s deceptive practices. My experience as the editor of a conservative webzine, RuFabula, critical of Putin that was banned in Russia in 2017, has shown me personally the lengths to which the government will go to silence dangerous voices. Interestingly, back then, most Russian liberals praised in the West were still able to freely broadcast their media and participate in sham elections in Russia. As we now know, it did not help build democracy in Russia or prevent the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.


In America, it is vital to learn from these experiences and recognize the dangers of romanticizing foreign authoritarian figures. The allure of Putin as a defender of traditional values is a dangerous illusion. True conservatism is grounded in moral integrity, national sovereignty, and individual freedoms – values that Putin’s regime consistently undermines. Understanding the real nature of his regime is crucial for effectively opposing authoritarianism and championing the values that define conservative movements. By emphasizing conservative principles and supporting those who genuinely uphold these values, we can render Putin’s propaganda useless and safeguard the integrity of the West.

It is time to finish the work started by past conservative leaders and amplify the voices that expose the anti-Christian nature of Putin’s regime.

As Alexander Solzhenitsyn once warned, “Your scholars are in many ways brilliant and intelligent, but they’re all focused on one thing: on the economy. And they do not understand the events of this century except in economic terms. The Communists have convinced them to regard communism as a kind of economic development. They convinced the West that communism is something in the future, that we will somehow reach communism, and then everything will be all right. But I say to you: The Soviet Union is not an example of socialism that is yet to be built, but of socialism that has already been built.” This insight is crucial as we discern the true nature of Putin’s regime, which is not a future hope but a current reality of false transformation of socialism under the guidance of a former officer of communist secret police.


Looking forward, if Donald Trump wins the presidential election this November, his “peace through strength” approach will resonate with this message. By prioritizing national sovereignty, moral integrity, and individual freedoms, Trump’s policies could effectively counteract the deceptive allure of Putin’s authoritarianism, reinforcing the values that underpin true conservatism.

It is time to finish the work started by past conservative leaders and amplify the voices that expose the anti-Christian nature of Putin’s regime. This principled response is not only necessary for countering Putin’s deceitful cynicism but also for liberating Russia from its century-old darkness, securing its rightful place among European nations. We must stand firm against the false romance of authoritarianism, championing the values that uphold freedom, morality, and national dignity.

The views expressed in this opinion article are the author’s and not necessarily those of Kyiv Post. 

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