Kyiv Post Cartoons, issue 10

NEWS ITEM: The police on March 3 demolished a protest tent camp in front of the Verkhovna Rada without a court warrant banning the protest. At least 19 protesters suffered serious head injuries. Arsen Avakov, the interior minister and former opposition leader, wrote during the EuroMaidan Revolution in February 2014: "You can burn tents, kill and beat dozens but you can't take the Maidan out of millions' heads."
Photo by Kyiv Post
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NEWS ITEM: The police on March 3 demolished a protest tent camp in front of the Verkhovna Rada without a court warrant banning the protest. At least 19 protesters suffered serious head injuries. Arsen Avakov, the interior minister and former opposition leader, wrote during the EuroMaidan Revolution in February 2014: "You can burn tents, kill and beat dozens but you can't take the Maidan out of millions' heads."
Photo by Kyiv Post