Ukraine’s accession to NATO is one of the key security issues in Europe, which, according to him, newly elected U.S. President Joe Biden is striving for, says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“President Biden said that he is concerned and will continue to worry and work for security in Europe. This is important for us because security in Europe is about us. The war continues in the east of Ukraine, the aggression of the Russian Federation continues, the annexation of Crimea. Therefore, I would like the United States, and in particular, President Biden, who is very familiar with Ukraine, to help us get out of this truly tragic situation,” Zelensky said in an interview with the American media Axios, which was broadcast on HBO platforms.

The President noted that Ukraine is grateful to the United States for everything they have already done, but he wonders why the key issue for improving the security situation in the region – NATO membership – has not been resolved.


“… If we, Ukrainians, and Ukraine want to be an equal member of the alliance, an equal member of NATO … This is one of the most important security issues – the very security that President Biden is talking about. In this case, I have a very simple question: Mr. President why are we still not in NATO?” Zelensky said, expressing the conviction that if Ukraine were a NATO member, there would be no escalation in Donbas in eastern Ukraine.

In this context, he noted that in the case of Ukraine’s membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, the rest of the members of the association should have come out to defend the country.

“And this is correct. Because we are now defending Europe. We are grateful to Europe for its help, for the sanctions. We are grateful to the United States. Sanctions are important, but you cannot return human lives with sanctions,” the Ukrainian president said.

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