Hungarian and Slovak Prime Ministers Viktor Orbán and Robert Fico, in a worrying display of right-wing populism, have taken positions that not only undermine European unity but also dangerously align with pro-Kremlin narratives.

These leaders, with their nationalistic fervor and brash rhetoric, threaten to destabilize the EU’s collective resolve to support Ukraine and uphold democratic principles. Their actions and statements, especially regarding the war in Ukraine, require urgent and firm responses from the EU leadership if Europe is to preserve its values and security.

Fico's recent statement that Ukraine will not join NATO "as long as he is in power" is more than a reckless political maneuver; it is a catastrophic insult to European security and solidarity. By rejecting Ukraine's aspirations to join NATO, Fico is sending a clear signal to Moscow and his fellow right-wing populists: Slovakia's support for Ukraine is conditional and dependent on his political whims. In essence, he has aligned his nation's foreign policy with Kremlin interests, putting Slovakia at odds with the rest of NATO and its support for Ukraine's sovereignty and defense.


Such a statement not only weakens NATO's integrity but also emboldens Russia, which seeks to keep Ukraine away from Western alliances. Fico's rhetoric serves as a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin, reinforcing the idea that cracks exist in the alliance. For one of the leaders of a NATO member state to express opposition to Ukraine's aspirations for membership at such a critical moment reflects an alarming betrayal of the very principles underlying the alliance: collective security and the defense of democratic nations against authoritarian aggression.

Russia’s S-70 Hunter Drone – Another Not-So-Wonderful Russian Wunderwaffen
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Russia’s S-70 Hunter Drone – Another Not-So-Wonderful Russian Wunderwaffen

On Oct. 5, a Russian S-70 “Okhotnik” heavy combat drone was shot down by its Su-57 escort over the Donetsk region. It now appears that the wreckage was recovered and examined by Ukrainian forces.

Meanwhile, Orbán – never one to shy away from provocative statements – addressed a right-wing rally two days ago with a mixture of cynicism and strategic ambiguity. Claiming that he would not take Hungary out of the EU, he brazenly said that he would "work to make the EU wiser." This carefully crafted message is characteristic of Orbán's populist book. This rhetoric does not only criticize EU policy; it insinuates that Brussels has lost its way and that only Orbán and his nationalist allies can steer Europe back to its supposed roots.


Orbán's anti-EU rhetoric is part of a calculated strategy to undermine the Union from within. Proclaiming himself a reformer, he seeks to legitimize his autocratic tendencies under the guise of "defending" European values, even when he despises them. Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union explicitly states that the EU is based on respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, and the rule of law – values that Orbán and Fico increasingly ignore. The EU must show that these are not optional and that they are non-negotiable principles that each member state must support and respect. Any leader who ignores them should face the consequences, starting with Orbán and Fico.

The mild reaction of the EU to the actions of Orbán and Fico so far has been a costly mistake. By allowing these leaders to violate democratic norms without significant consequences, the EU has inadvertently given them tacit approval to continue their pro-Kremlin, anti-Ukraine positions. This lack of a unified, strong response only further emboldens them, encouraging other populists across the continent to emulate their tactics. If not contained, Orbán and Fico will set a precedent for other ambitious autocrats, demonstrating that they can disregard European principles with impunity, all the while reaping the benefits of their alliance membership.


By weakening EU unity on critical issues like Ukraine, Orbán and Fico are actively working against the interests of the bloc, sowing discord at a time when solidarity is most important. Their ties to Moscow raise serious concerns about whether their loyalty is to Europe or the Kremlin. Are these two leaders truly acting in the best interests of their nations, or are they fulfilling their obligations to Putin by promoting a divisive pro-Russian agenda?

Orbán and Fico's policies not only serve their domestic political ambitions but also disturbingly align with Russian strategic interests. Fico's recent statements and Orbán's reluctance to distance himself from Putin raise serious questions about their motivations. Are these leaders just pandering to nationalist voters, or are they actively working to destabilize European unity from within?


The signs are worrying. Both leaders have publicly opposed sanctions against Russia, and both have consistently undermined EU efforts to support Ukraine. By advocating a "balanced" approach to Russia, they effectively provide credibility to Kremlin propaganda that portrays the EU as divided and NATO as weak. These leaders are willfully blind to the fact that their actions are harming the Ukrainian people and helping a regime that seeks to destabilize Europe.

Firm EU response vital

It is up to the EU and its leading members to act decisively. Article 7 of the Treaty on the European Union provides mechanisms for sanctioning member states that violate the basic values of the bloc. Although the EU has so far been reluctant to take these measures, it is time to reconsider. Continued tolerance of Orbán's and Fico's actions sends a message that the EU has no resolve to defend its own principles. This cannot continue.

The time has come for the EU, together with allies such as the US and the UK, to consider freezing relations at the highest levels with Hungary and Slovakia, that is, with their leaders. Until Orbán and Fico stop their pro-Kremlin rhetoric and show commitment to European values, they should be treated as pariahs. The EU must make it clear that membership depends on adherence to democratic principles and that leaders who violate them will face tangible consequences.


These activities of Orbán and Fico are not just isolated incidents; they are part of a wider trend that threatens the stability and security of Europe. Their populist, pro-Russian views undermine EU cohesion, embolden Russia, and threaten the collective security that NATO and the EU have worked so hard to build.

The stakes are too high for Europe to remain passive. Orbán and Fico must be stopped, not only for the sake of Ukraine but also for the sake of Europe itself. EU values are non-negotiable, and those who seek to undermine them should face the full force of the Union's sanctions and diplomatic power. Because its future depends on it.

The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily of Kyiv Post.

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