February 7 marked the four-year anniversary of my removal from the National Security Council and the White House by Donald Trump.

When faced with the choice between blind loyalty to a President and the oath I swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, I chose the latter. It wasn’t a difficult decision to make, but it cost me my military career, my livelihood, and everything I had worked so hard to achieve in my professional career.

My reporting of Trump’s corruption and congressional testimony elicited the wrath of Donald Trump and precipitated a campaign of harassment, intimidation, and retaliation from his administration lackeys and MAGA supporters.

As a result, I was forced out of the White House and ostracized by the military. Fox News pundits hurled baseless accusations that I was a “Ukrainian Spy” to an audience of millions. Yet despite facing some of the worst of MAGA America, I have no regrets about my actions. Donald Trump’s request to President Zelenskyy was a clear, unambiguous example of abuse of power for personal political gain.


It is important to note I was fired the day after Trump was acquitted in his first impeachment. He was emboldened by the lack of accountability he faced. He continues to believe he is accountable to no one. I have zigged and zagged in the past four years and my family, and I are doing well, but every day I live with reminders of Donald Trump’s continued lack of consequences. The justice system is seeking to rectify that, and it cannot happen soon enough.

War in Ukraine – Where Is the Western Leadership?
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War in Ukraine – Where Is the Western Leadership?

At the core of the West’s failings is a fundamental lack of leadership, both within Europe, but also and more importantly from the US, as the supposed leader of the free world.

As a veteran and former member of the National Security Council, I remain committed to supporting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. I wear my dismissal for reporting corruption in the Trump White House with honor and now use my voice to advocate for leaders with values and ethics.

Meanwhile, Republicans continue to excuse Trump for his crimes and grant him impunity. I hope they one day regret their actions and own up to their dishonorable conduct.


Why… because in America no one is above the law and Here, Right Matters.

Reprinted from the author’s blog Why It Matters. See the original here.

The views expressed are the author’s and not necessarily of Kyiv Post.

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