You're reading: Zelensky, US Energy Secretary discuss threats posed by Nord Stream 2

During a visit to Washington, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky discussed with U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm the threats from the implementation of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project for the security of the Ukrainian state and energy security in Europe, the press service of the Ukrainian president reported on the official website on Tuesday.

“Russian gas is the most polluted in the world due to significant methane emissions during production and transportation, as well as corruption, blackmail and manipulation,” Zelensky said, noting the importance of creating effective safeguards against Russia’s use of gas as a weapon.

In this context, he noted the importance of launching regular trilateral consultations in the Ukraine-Germany-U.S. format on the preservation of Ukrainian transit and ensuring European energy security as soon as possible.

The parties discussed in detail ways to intensify cooperation between Ukraine and the United States in the field of energy, combating climate change and “green” transformation.

“We have consciously chosen the path of reforms and decarbonization of the energy sector,” the President said.

The parties emphasized that the involvement of the United States in the implementation of this ambitious plan opens up opportunities for building a new quality of the partnership between the countries.

Particular attention was paid to cooperation in the field of nuclear energy and the implementation of projects for the construction of additional reactors at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, and the use of small modular reactors.