You're reading: Georgia to resume regular international flights on Feb. 1

The Georgian government will lift all restrictions on regular international flights imposed amid the coronavirus pandemic on February 1, Georgian Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development Natia Turnava said.

“We believe it is possible to lift the restrictions on regular flights starting on February 1. This means that all airlines, including those working in Georgia and new airlines wishing to fly to Georgia, can plan and perform regular flights,” Turnava told journalists after the Friday meeting of the Interagency Coordinating Council.

That will be done in compliance with every medical protocol and antiviral safety rules, the minister said. “Many airlines of the world are already doing so, which means no additional threat will be created,” she said.

In addition, the Georgian government is discussing ways to facilitate arrivals. “These are interconnected circumstances. As you know, there are still regular flights on some routes, but because of the second wave and certain restrictions on the arrival in this or that country, airlines are not actively using their rights and frequencies and do not perform as many flights as they would like to,” Turnava said.

“Hopefully, we will be able to safely receive a large number of tourists in the near future, during the spring season. We are likely to hold a meeting with tour operators and companies next week to put our heads together and discuss how these companies should prepare for using the new circumstance to the benefit of our country,” she said.

Georgia completely suspended regular international flights on March 21, 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic. The restrictions did not apply to cargo, charter, repatriation, humanitarian, and technical flights.