You're reading: Ukrzaliznytsia to lease freight cars through ProZorro.Sales auctions from November

PJSC Ukrzaliznytsia has concluded a contract with the ProZorro.Sales state enterprise and as part of a pilot project it will begin to lease freight cars through the ProZorro.Sales electronic system from November, Ukraine’s Economic Development and Trade Ministry has reported.

“It is planned to put up 5 percent of the empty fleet of railcars for electronic trading, and the price will then be set for the entire fleet of railcars by type on a certain date,” the ministry said in a statement on its website.

In addition to the leasing of railcars, the contract also provides for holding electronic auctions for the alienation, transfer for use and rental of Ukrzaliznytsia’s property.

According to the ministry, the national carrier is also developing additional areas for the use of electronic auctions. One of them is property management, which includes the writing off of almost 700,000 different objects, including more than 10,000 obsolete and unsuitable railcars and materials for recycling (scrap metal, oil, tires, etc.). Another direction is the transparent sale of the rights to rent premises at railway stations.

The pilot project is designed for a year, after which it can be extended, the ministry said.

As of September 1, 2018, Ukrzaliznytsia’s working fleet consisted of 61,000 freight cars, including almost 28,000 gondola cars, 10,300 grain-carriers, and nearly 3,000 flatcars, the report says.