You're reading: Ukrzaliznytsia resumes traffic near JFO area first time since 2014

Ukrzaliznytsia from August 4 resumed the traffic of suburban trains on the Mariupol-Pivdennodonbaska (Donetsk region) section, the company’s website reported.

The traffic between the settlements was resumed with the support of the JFO headquarters and the regional state administration leadership.

“To resume safe train runs on this section, Donetsk Railways, the regional branch of Ukrzaliznytsia, and experts from the Joint Forces Operation (JFO) headquarters checked and prepared the infrastructure. Suburban trains from Volnovakha to Pivdennodonbaska station through Velyko-Anadol station have not run since 2014,” Ukrzaliznytsia said.

Four suburban trains will run along this section.

Train No. 6162 Mariupol-Volnovakha is now extended to Pivdennodonbaska stop, train No. 6105 Volnovakha-Mariupol runs on the Pivdennodonbaska-Mariupol route, as well as train No. 6181. In addition, train No. 6108 Mariupol-Pivdennodonbaska was launched.