You're reading: Surplus of Ukraine’s state budget comes to Hr 7 billion in 2018

The surplus of the national budget of Ukraine in January-September amounted to Hr 7.329 billion, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine has said.

According to its data, the general fund’s surplus for this period amounted to Hr 11.384 billion, while the budget of the special fund saw a deficit of Hr 4.054 billion.

According to the service, borrowings for the first nine months of the current year amounted to Hr 141.176 billion with the plan being Hr 226.461 billion, repayment amounted to Hr 152.657 billion while the plan was Hr 175.725 billion.

Revenues from privatization amounted to Hr 77.345 million, while the target stood at Hr 21.3 billion.

The consolidated budget of Ukraine for the nine months of 2018 saw a deficit of Hr 14.513 billion, in particular the deficit of the general fund was Hr 45.051 billion while a surplus of Hr 10.483 billion was projected.

Local budgets for the specified period posted a deficit of Hr 21.842 billion, in particular the deficit of the general fund was Hr 36.435 billion, the State Treasury said.