You're reading: NBU cancels deadlines of settlements on some export and import operations

The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) within the framework of currency liberalization has simplified currency oversight of the observance of ceiling terms of settlements for export of labor, services and intellectual property rights, as well as a number of operations on export and import of goods that are important for the country’s defense, proper access of Ukrainians to medical services, as well as the development of the aerospace industry, according to the NBU’s website.

Thus, the deadlines of settlements for foreign economic operations (today the term is 365 days) will not apply to import of goods under government contracts on defense orders, import of services or medicines under the agreements of the Health Ministry of Ukraine with specialized organizations, as well as import of services for treatment of people with rare (orphan) diseases, import of goods used for production of space and aviation equipment, export and import of goods under production sharing agreements, export of labor, services (except for transport and insurance services and works), and intellectual property rights.

The simplification of currency control over these operations was carried out taking into account cabinet resolution No. 76-r dated Feb. 13, 2019 and consultations held with the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the report says.