You're reading: Exports of Ukrainian agricultural products to EU grows by 34.3%

Exports of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU countries grew by 34.3 percent in January-July year-over-year, to $4.1 billion, former acting Minister of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine Olha Trofimtseva has said.

“The export of Ukrainian agricultural products to the EU for the seven months of 2019 increased 34.3 percent (or $1.04 billion), to $4.1 billion compared to the same period in 2018,” she wrote on her Facebook page.

The main products in the export structure to the EU are cereals – $1.8 billion, vegetable oils – $921.9 million, oilseeds – $385.4 million, bagasse and other food waste – $345.5 million, poultry – $117.3 million, fruits, nuts and zest – $78.6 million.

The share of the Netherlands in the trade between Ukraine and the EU countries was 18 percent, Spain’s – 13.5 percent, Poland’s – 13.4 percent, Germany’s – 11.1 percent, and Italy’s – 10.6 percent.

Trofimtseva said that as of Sept. 2, Ukraine had fully used the EU tariff import quotas for honey, sugar, barley groats and flour, processed starch, preserved tomatoes, grape and apple juices, corn and wheat. The quota was used for butter by 48 percent, and for processed milk products – by 33.3 percent.