You're reading: Deficit of Ukraine’s state budget in April reaches Hr 3.6 billion

The state budget deficit in April amounted to Hr 3.6 billion with a surplus of the general fund of Hr 4.314 billion, and in January-April this year, the state budget deficit grew to Hr 29.09 billion, with a general fund deficit of Hr 29.77 billion.

The relevant data were presented on the website of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine.

According to these data, borrowings in April amounted to Hr 52.9 billion, including Hr 36.2 billion of external borrowings, while repayments last month reached Hr 35.05 billion, including Hr 1.36 billion of repayments on external liabilities.

In in the first four months of 2021, borrowings amounted to Hr 172.6 billion, including Hr 37.3 billion external borrowings. Repayments in January-April amounted to Hr 141.9 billion, including Hr 15.2 billion on external liabilities.

Privatization in the country brought in Hr 147 million in April, and almost Hr 677 million in January-April, while the four-month plan was Hr 3.5 billion, according to the treasury data.

As indicated by the service, the state budget receipts in the four months ended April 2021 amounted to Hr 357.47 billion, including Hr 313.78 billion to the general fund, while the plan for this period was Hr 306.8 billion. State budget expenditures in January-April reached Hr 385.25 billion, with Hr 344.385 billion from the general fund, while the plan for this period was Hr 376.8 billion, the State Treasury Service said.