You're reading: Deficit of Ukraine’s state budget comes to Hr 4.8 billion in January-October

The deficit of the national budget of Ukraine in January-October amounted to Hr 4.8 billion, while the ceiling approved in the law on the national budget is Hr 80.6 billion, the Ministry of Finance has reported.

The agency said that the general fund deficit amounted to Hr 10.5 billion with the ceiling approved for the year being Hr 57.4 billion.

The State Treasury Service said the deficit of the national budget in the first nine months was Hr 7.3 billion, in particular that of the general fund stood at Hr 11.3 billion, which means a surplus of the national budget in October.

The Finance Ministry said that successful negotiations with the IMF contributed to Ukraine’s entering international capital markets, which made it possible to increase foreign borrowings to finance the budget deficit for the first ten months to Hr 19.4 billion, or $725 million.