You're reading: Deficit of Ukraine state budget’s general fund totals Hr 1.9 billion in May

The deficit of the general fund of the state budget of Ukraine in May this year amounted to Hr 1.9 billion, in January-May it was Hr 31.3 billion, the Ministry of Finance has reported, citing the operational data of the State Treasury Service.

“In January-May 2021, the state budget had a deficit of Hr 32.5 billion, including a deficit of Hr 31.3 billion of the general fund, with the general fund receipts target for the reporting period of Hr 86.5 billion,” the Ministry of Finance said in a report on its website.

According to the release, in May this year, the receipts of the general fund of the state budget amounted to Hr 107.2 billion, which exceeds the target by 2.7% or Hr 2.8 billion.

The general fund of the state budget received Hr 421 billion in the first five months of 2021, which was 4.5% or Hr 18.3 billion higher than the plan, according to the data of the Ministry of Finance.