You're reading: The 27th IWCK Charity Bazaar, the biggest international, fundraising event in Ukraine

We would like to invite you to visit 27th IWCK Charity Bazaar, the biggest annual charity event in Ukraine on behalf of the international community in Kyiv, with priceless support of almost 50 embassies and many sponsors, and partners. The preparations for annual IWCK Charity Bazaar are underway and makes hundreds of volunteers busy.

To support IWCK Charity Program come and join us on 30th November 2019 to NSC Olimpiyskiy to explore different cultures of the entire world under one roof in the Kyiv city centre. This year we have a new maximum number of participating embassies – 47, which means the only thing – our event is getting more prestigious and has a growing credit and trust of our sponsors and partners. Help us make Ukraine a better place to live in! Enjoy one and only international atmosphere, buy holiday presents, try beverages and meals from all over the world or join one of the workshops. All proceeds go to IWCK Charity Program to fundraise non-governmental organisation from all regions of Ukraine. (LINKS for ticket sale) ( )

On a yearly basis, IWCK allocates the funds raised at the Annual Charity Bazaar to projects, aiming at improving the lives of women, children, elderly and people with disabilities in Ukraine. For the first time in 2019 IWCK funded projects outside Kyiv, including Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Poltava, Sumy, Cherkasy and Kherson regions. This year a total of 3,5 mln UAH raised at the Annual Charity Bazaar 2018 will be disbursed to 28 charity projects and special initiatives.

The 2018 Charity Bazaar funds covered the costs of two playgrounds for children with disabilities, but also procurement of specialized equipment for both adults and children with special needs, learning difficulties and developmental disorders. In addition, IWCK supported a program for the integration of people with intellectual disabilities in Lviv and partially funds the School of superheroes which educates children with long term hospital treatment till May 2020. Innovative educational methods as a mobile children’s library travel from schools to parks to promote learning and reading among the younger generation. Furthermore, several projects support vocational education training for orphans including a free online course for learning English. Other projects support internally displaced women with disabilities’ rights and women living with HIV in Ukraine.

IWCK charity program also covered the procurement of medical equipment to support fast rehabilitation of children treated of cancer in Kyiv, as well as medical equipment for mothers and newborns in Tarashcha town maternity.

Annual Charity Bazaar funds allowed IWCK to cover the cost for 600 lunches for homeless people in Kyiv till May. Moreover, IWCK supports elderly people living permanently in boarding houses with hygiene items including some highly important rehabilitation equipment for bedridden patients (250 people from 5 institutions will have chairs for washing, walkers and bedside tables). One of the Special Initiatives IWCK continues to fund every year is the support to low-income families with free lunches twice a week along with the delivery of food baskets.

IWCK Annual Grant Competition is open this year until December 8, 2019. Non-Governmental organizations can submit project proposals and benefit of the funding raised at the Charity Bazaar. More information about the competition available at

Photo credit: Alexander Domre, Ryan Reynolds