You're reading: Agrohub Will Present Opportunities for Ukrainian Agribusiness

Agrohub will present opportunities for Ukrainian agribusiness for international investors during the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos

Agrohub will take part in the first in the history Ukraine House in Davos, in Switzerland, and hold an open discussion panel for international investors during the 48th Annual meeting of the World Economic Forum.

Discussion panel “How do technologies and innovations change the Ukrainian agribusiness” will be held on January 23, at 14.00, in the Ukraine House.

The purpose of the event is to attract the attention of world players to Ukraine, to present the opportunities of Ukrainian agribusiness and to introduce Ukraine into the pool of world innovators.

The discussion is designed to answer the following questions:

  • How does Agritech successfully change global trends in agriculture and food markets in Ukraine and other countries?
  • What are the opportunities and risks for world investors and innovators in Ukraine today?
  • Are Ukrainian agroholdings open to new technologies?
  • Who are included in the new ecosystem of Ukrainian agricultural investment?
  • How did the values of the innovative economy become embodied in agricultural practice in 2017-2018?

The speakers of discussion:

Moderator of the discussion Alex Lissitsa (Ukraine) – General Director of the agroholding IMC, public figure, president of the Association “Ukrainian Club of Agrarian Business”.

Yuri Kosyuk (Ukraine) – Founder and Head of the MHP (PJSC “Myronivsky Hliboprodukt”), one of the leading agroholdings in Ukraine, specializing in the production of poultry meat and growing cereals.

Julia Poroshenko (Ukraine) – founder and project manager of Agrohub, co-founder of the technology cluster Radar Tech

Tobias Menne, (Germany) – Global Head Digital Farming Bayer AG

Michael Horsch (Germany) – co-founder and manager of Horsch Machines, a leading European producer of agricultural tillage and seeding equipment.

“There is a stereotype that the agrarian sector of Ukraine is not modern and not receptive to innovation. We want to challenge this myth in the world arena and present new and successful projects for international investors. Ukraine is a unique platform for new technologies, we have the largest holdings, advanced and open to cooperation, a strong human resources base for technical specialists, interesting and successful startups, and, of course, a positive development of the Agritech industry. We intend to show all this to the international community and start a dialogue with investors,” said Yulia Poroshenko.

Discussion panel will be held on January 23, at 17.00, in the Ukraine House in Davos, Promenade, 73.

Free admission.

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For information:

Agrohub is a project for the development of agro innovation. Its mission is to increase the efficiency of agricultural sector through the introduction of innovations and technologies, enabling talents to realize their potential.

To this end, Agrohub accumulates information, builds relationships and becomes a catalyst for the dealings between agro-companies and technology developers, experts, academic institutions, media and international communities.

Agrohub trains managers of agricultural companies of philosophy and innovation practice, and also popularizes the culture of innovation in the agricultural sector through educational programs and media.

In the fall of 2017, Agrohub, in partnership with the Myronivsky Hliboproduct company and the technological cluster Radar Tech, has launched the accelerator of agrarian innovations MHP Accelerator.

Ukraine House in Davos – multi-format venue the Ukraine House will work in Davos (Switzerland) during the 48th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF).  Under the theme Ukraine: Creativity, Innovation, Opportunity, this multi-format space will showcase investment opportunities in Ukraine’s IT and Innovation sector to global business, technology and investment leaders. Ukraine House is a unique opportunity to highlight the vibrant, energetic European country and society that is Ukraine.

Ukraine House will operate January 22-26, 2018 and is organized by the Ukrainian Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (UVCA) in partnership with Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) and Victor Pinchuk Foundation.

Ukraine House will take place alongside multiple sideline events of WEF’s Annual Meeting. It will attract business and society leaders to a series of panel discussions and social events. Ukraine House will discuss global economic trends including in the tech industry where Ukraine will be seamlessly intertwined in the global context. It will also host meet ups between startups and venture capitalists from across the globe.