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12th European-Ukrainian Energy Day

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DATE June 10, 2021
TIME 8.30 – 18.30
LANGUAGE Ukrainian, English (simultaneous translation)
LOCATION – online, offline (up to 100 participants)


ORGANIZER: European-Ukrainian Energy Agency

12th European-Ukrainian Energy Day “Climate lockdown: time to act until it’s too late” in partnership with European Union Green Week 2021.

Abnormal springs and hailstorms over Ukraine are a wake-up call for global climate threats. And although humanity ceases to amaze at the atypical seasons of the year, we still need to have time to change, before the negative consequences of our lives have led to inevitable disasters. Whether the Ukrainian economy and all its enterprises will have time to reshape largely depends on the state of the energy sector, which is experiencing perhaps the most difficult stage of its development. The Memorandum signed between the Ukrainian government and electricity producers from renewable energy sources is exactly one year old, during which no final solutions have been found. In addition the debts to producers of the “green” generation, which is UAH 16.5 billion as of May 2021, the development of the industry is hampered by constant generation curtailments and an imperfect mechanism of compensation and liability for imbalances, the question of the need for the amount of maneuvering capacity for balancing remains open. The industry needs to update the goals of the National Energy Strategy until 2035 and finally introduce a new mechanism to support renewable energy – the auction system. Despite the recent rapid growth, the share of renewable energy sources remains small and stands at only 8.5 GW at the end of 2020 and has uncertain growth prospects.

In addition to renewable energy, the need to accelerate the attraction and use of investments in decarbonization is acute on the energy policy agenda, namely the need to reduce the investment project cycle, which sometimes shows the duration of the project from the beginning of feasibility study to the actual implementation of energy efficiency projects decades later. Thus, Ukraine is wasting time when it was already possible to reduce the energy intensity of the economy, which, incidentally, is 2.5 times higher than neighboring European countries. “Green” hydrogen is a separate topic which is being lively discussed, and which can give Ukraine an additional economic impetus, but there is also the question of Ukraine’s competitiveness in the international arena of countries with similar potential for natural and “green” energy resources. The questions of production cost of green hydrogen, its market value, the final consumers and the potential for its transportation remain unresolved.

Therefore, the participants of the European-Ukrainian Energy Day have a wide plan for discussion, in particular, 4 thematic sessions are planned:

1. Ukrainian reforms vs international policy to avoid climate lockdown and move towards carbon neutrality.
2. What are the donors silent about and what it has to do with Ukraine wasting time in energy saving.
3. Renewable energy innovations, energy storage and balancing technologies development, green hydrogen perspectives.
4. Anniversary of signing the Memorandum: to pull or push strategy for the renewable energy or when will government start the proactive RES problems solving.

European-Ukrainian Energy Day is annual international energy conference that brings together key players in the Ukrainian, European and international government sectors; local and international representatives of the industry, analyzes and discusses the most pressing issues affecting the development of the energy efficiency sector (EE) and renewable energy sources (RES) in Ukraine in the context of the Association Agreement with the EU, the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal.

Follow the updates of the Energy Day preparation, speakers confirmed, partners, agenda and other relevant publications: LinkedIn, Facebook , Website.

The event will be supported by a platinum partner Elementum Energy, UNIDO/GEF UKR IEE Project “Introduction of Energy Management System Standard in Ukrainian Industry”, our legal partner Arzinger and others.

Terms of participation: the cost of participation offline is 200 Euros, participation of EUEA members is free. Online participation is free for all. In the absence of quarantine restrictions on holding mass events, the conference will be held offline for a full day in Kyiv (up to 100 participants).

We are waiting for you on June 10, 2021 at the European-Ukrainian Energy Day, Intercontinental Hotel, Kyiv.

Registration is required. Entrance is only possible if you have a confirmed registration.