“Dimitri, every search for a hero must begin with something every hero needs, a villain.”
Dr. Nekhorvich, Mission Impossible 2.
And so in the search for Russia’s hero, Vladimir Putin, a villain was created: the West. The West’s aim is clear – to spread extreme liberalism across the world. Before we know it men will be drinking Mai Tais rather than vodka and women will have the nuclear codes. If this dystopia doesn’t get you to vote for “Putin 4” on March 18, I don’t know what will.
The last two years have seen Putin enjoy much success as he tilts doggedly at Western windmills. He weaponized social media and helped an ego maniac into the White House whose divisive rhetoric is rapidly eroding U.S. global leadership. And, as he pointed out to the world two weeks ago, his nuclear button is bigger even than the Donald’s. To his delight, Brexit and the rise of populist parties in Europe pose an existential threat to the European Union and the recent success of the Five Star Movement in Italy is yet more evidence of this threat.
However, the horrifying use of the Novichok nerve agent on Sergei Skripal and his daughter has provoked the first show of true European unity since Britain voted to leave the European Union. Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel are facing a real villain, one far greater than immigration, trade tariffs and balance of payment imbalances. Reading their joint condemnation of Russia’s actions made me feel proud to be a citizen of Europe and projected a strength that speaks louder than a video of missiles falling on Florida.
Let us hope that the totally reckless use of Novichok in Britain, whether it was sanctioned by the Kremlin or orchestrated by a rogue faction within Russia, provides Europe the wake-up call it needs. The more Britain and Europe squabble and blame each other for failing to find a compromise the less likely the European hero we need in today’s turbulent world is to emerge. European leaders, May included, should be working out how to keep Britain in Europe. Britain voted to leave the EU as it is today, but fundamentally we British still identify ourselves as European. This latest act of aggression reminds us that a unified and prosperous Europe is the greatest force for peace in our time.
Putin may have inadvertently become the villain that settles Europe’s differences.