Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has enforced sanctions which the National Security and Defence Council voted on Feb. 19 to impose on 19 companies and eight individuals, including controversial pro-Russian politician and MP Viktor Medvedchuk and his businesswoman wife, Oksana Marchenko. The move comes just over two weeks after sanctions were imposed against Taras Kozak, a close associate of Medvedchuk and member of the pro-Russian parliamentary faction ‘Opposition Platform – For Life’ which Medvedchuk heads. Those sanctions included the blocking of three major television channels which have been found to be responsible for over 50% of the disinformation and pro-Russian propaganda on Ukrainian television. While Medvedchuk denies any involvement, he is widely believed to be the real owner of the channels. The sanctions announced on 19 February also include Kozak’s common-law wife, Natalya Lavreniuk.

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