It is almost exactly a year since Russia finally freed Ukrainian filmmaker Oleg Sentsov, 24 prisoners of war and 10 other political prisoners in an exchange almost certainly aimed at getting important MH17 witness and likely suspect, Vladimir Tsemakh, out of the reach of the Dutch prosecutor. At the time, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was full of optimism that other political prisoners would shortly be released. He and his people are continuing to make assurances, but Archbishop Klyment, Head of the beleaguered Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Crimea is not alone in believing that the subject of such releases “has been buried”. Not only is there no sign of progress, but there is little or nothing to suggest that any efforts are actually being made. This is while Russia has imprisoned as many Ukrainians on politically motivated charges or for their faith in occupied Crimea as the number of political prisoners freed on Sept. 7, 2019.

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