The Russian occupiers changed their tactics this week and did not prevent Crimean Tatars from traveling to Russia for the passing on 16 August of appalling sentences against four political prisoners. Instead, they staged new armed raids early the following morning, with Rustem Murasov, one of the Crimean Tatars who traveled to Rostov to show his support, arrested on grotesque ‘terrorism’ charges within hours of his return. The message could not be clearer: demonstrate solidarity with political prisoners and you could be next. The five Crimean Tatars now imprisoned: Zavur Abdullayev; Dzhebbar Bekirov; Rayif Fevziyev; Rustem Murasov and Rustem Tayirov have all been active in attending politically motivated court hearings; have taken part in flash-mobs, single-person pickets, etc and in helping the families of political prisoners.

Read more here.