Earlier this month, a few members of the volunteer initiative Logistics Headquarters visited the home of Mykhailo Havryliuk, a Kozak and one of Maidan’s heroes. This man is best known for his amazing courage, and even greater generosity of heart. During the events of Maidan, Mykhailo was subjected to cruel torture and humiliation at the hands of Berkut [former riot police] officers, but withstood his torments with dignity. More than that, Mykhailo actually forgave his torturers. A few weeks ago, when the responsible warrant officer stood trial for his crimes, facing eight years in prison, Mykhailo said he was dropping all charges against the man. “I don’t want the father to be taken away from the kiddies, I withdraw my complaints against him. It’s better to let him raise his children, so that such things are never repeated again,” said the Kozak.
Russia's War Against Ukraine
Voices of Ukraine: Havryliuk, whose torture by police is captured on famous video, thanks public for their help

Mykhailo Havryliuk