List of legal acts that take effect on January 1, 2010
Economic activities |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on advertisements No. 145-VI of March 18, 2008 |
The law bans advertisement of tobacco, alcohol, brands for goods and services and other objects of intellectual property, under which tobacco and alcohol are produced, in all printed mass media, apart from special editions. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on regulation in the road safety sector No. 586-VI of September 24, 2008. |
The law amends some Ukrainian laws, in particular, the law on traffic control regarding registration of vehicles. |
The law on amendments to the law on a fee collected for development of viticulture, horticulture and hop growing No. 1067-VI of March 5, 2009 |
The law stipulates that the payers of the fee are business entities that sell alcoholic drinks and beer directly to consumers. If business entities supply products to wholesaler and retail chains, they don’t pay the fee. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on excise duties No. 1201-VI of March 31, 2009 |
The law foresees adjustment of excise duties on tobacco and tax commitments on payment of excise duties for each brand of cigarettes. The commitments are calculated simultaneously using the percent duty on the commodity turnover and lump sums per cigarette sold. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on aerospace activities No. 1342-VI of May 19, 2009 |
The law foresees the cancellation of duty on goods imported to Ukraine and used for production of space equipment and cancellation of tax on land plots for companies-residents operating in the aerospace sector. |
The law on amendments to article 12 of the law on medicines on marking in Braille No. 1364-VI of May 20, 2009. |
The law says that all drugs sold in Ukraine should contain their name, dosage and form (capsules, powder, liquid, etc.) written in Braille. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on promotion of production and use of biofuels No.1391-VI of May 21, 2009. |
The law exempts from taxation until January 1, 2019 the import of machinery and equipment for the construction of new enterprises for the production of biofuels and for the manufacture and reconstruction of equipment used to produce biofuels. The same privileges will be applied to the import of equipment and means of transport, including agricultural machinery working on biofuels. |
The law on methane gas at coalmines No. 1392-VI of May 2, 2009 |
The law stipulates legal, economic, ecological and organization principles of activities in exploration of methane gas at coal mines. Some companies are not obliged to pay tax on profit from extraction of methane at coalmines until January 1, 2020. |
The law on identification and registration of farm animals No.1445-VI of June 4, 2009 |
The law is applied to economic entities and individuals, who breed farm animals for sale, butchering, those who provide artificial insemination services and organize animal exhibitions. The law says that cattle, horses, pigs, sheep and goats are to be registered. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding improvement of mechanisms for state regulation of farming products markets No. 1447-VI of June 4,2009 |
The law, in particular, foresees the creation of the state intervention fund, which is formed by the Agrarian Fund via financial interventions and secured purchases. |
The law on wholesale farming products markets No. 1561-VI of June 25, 2009 |
The law says that wholesale farming products markets are those economic entities, which operate in line with the legal requirements and are on the register of wholesale farming products markets. |
The law on science parks No. 1563-VI of June 25, 2009 |
The law regulates legal, economic, organizational relations linked to the creation and functioning of science parks |
The law on amendments to the law on stimulating regional development No. 1562-VI of June 25, 2009 |
The law expands groups of territories which are considered depressed and gives the status of “depressed region” to certain areas of Ukraine. |
Cabinet resolution on amendments to a procedure for collection and use of funds for development of viniculture, horticulture and hop growing No. 843 of July 23, 2009 |
The procedure was expanded by clause 11, which gives the right to fee payers to calculate the fee themselves. |
Resolution No. 160 of April 24, 2009 of the state committee for technical regulation and consumer policy on amendments to resolution No. 375 of October 29, 2008 |
The permit to use package and labels, which were not made in line with the national standard rule 4518:2008 entitled “Food Marking for consumers. Common Rules,” and which were ordered before November 1, 2008. |
Taxation |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding organization of statistics surveys No. 1070-VI of March 5, 2009 |
The law foresees that the monthly or annual taxable income of taxpayers does not include compensation for time spent, which is set by the Ukrainian cabinet, which is awarded to individuals for keeping the register in line with programs on state opinion samplings conducted by state statistics bodies. |
Resolution No. 1577 of December 30, 2008 of the Finance Ministry on approval of accounting requirement 34 entitled “Payment by stocks.” |
The requirement defines methods for drawing up information on transactions effected using stock shares as payment. |
Resolution No. 582 of October 26, 2009of STAU on amendments to the form of the register of tax invoices and a procedure for keeping the tax invoices register approved in STAU resolution No. 244 of June 30, 2005 |
The resolution changes and approves a new form of the tax invoices register. |
Resolution No. 26-1 of November 5, 2009 of the Pension Fund’s board on the procedure for the drawing up and submission of reports on obligatory pension insurance premiums collected by insurers to the Pension Fund of Ukraine |
Starting from January 2010, personal information on insured persons will be submitted in monthly pension reports. Among other new requirements is the obligation to submit reports in an electronic form for insurers, which have more than ten insured persons. |
Resolution No. 624 of November 10, 2009 of STAU on amendments to the procedure for calculation of the fixed agricultural tax |
Amendments to the procedure for calculation of the fixed agricultural tax and the form of calculation of the fixed agricultural tax are made |
Real estate and land tenure |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on promotion of the construction sector No. 509-VI of September 16, 2008. |
The law amends article seven of the law on land fees, which sets tax on land plots given to companies for construction of objects. |
The law on amendments to the law on the state program on reform and development of the housing/municipal services economy for 2004-2010 No. 1511-VI of June 11, 2009 |
The law amends the program on reform and development of the housing and municipal economy for 2004-2010. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding relaxation of the procedure for receiving ownership rights to land plots No. 1702-VI of November 5, 2009 |
The law relaxes the procedure for the purchase of ownership rights to state-owned and municipal land plots by individuals and economic entities, and widens the rights of owners of land plots. |
Regulation of financial markets |
The law on amendments to the law on collective investment institutions No. 693-VI of December 18, 2008 |
The law amends the law on collective investment institutions, which are aimed at increasing efficiency of their activities and provision of state control in the area. |
The law on amendments to a cabinet decree on the state duties regarding transactions with securities No. 1161-VI of March 19, 2009. |
The law says that now state duties are imposed on transactions with securities, apart from governmental and municipal loan bonds, and the duties are imposed on transactions concerning the issue of privatization documents and registration of derivatives. |
Legal proceedings and notaries system |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding the automated document circulation system in administrative courts No. 1475-VI of June 5, 2009. |
The key tasks of the automated documents circulation system in administrative courts will be the unbiased distribution of cases among judges, submission of information on the state of case hearings to commercial entities and individuals, centralized storage of rulings and other legal documents and preparation of a statistics database. |
The law on amendments to articles 167 and 186 of the Code of Administrative Legal Proceedings regarding the handing down of rulings and calculation of the terms of submission of appeals to courts of appeals No. 1545-VI of June 23, 2009 |
The law sets the terms for submission of appeals to courts of appeals for persons, who were not present at hearings. |
President’s decree on the number of panels of judges and the number of panels of judges in local courts No. 950/2009 of November 20, 2009 |
The document increases the number of panels of judges for local courts by 46 panels and the number of panels of judges all over Ukraine by over 200 panels. |
Decree of the Justice Ministry on the approval of amendments to the notaries document circulation rules No. 2151/5 of November 1, 2009 |
According to the document, documents that are endorsed by notaries, apart from copies left at notaries and copies of notaries documents, should be written on special forms. |
Social sphere |
The law on amendments to article 3 of the cabinet decree on the state duties regarding the state duty on the issue of certificates on heirship No. 1110-VI of March 5, 2009 |
The law changes payments for the issue of З certificates on heirship from 0.5% of the inherited sum to two non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on social protection of families with many children No. 1343-VI of May 19, 2009 |
The law targets the strengthening of social protection of families with many children, improvement of their state aid and creation of more favorable conditions for upbringing children in the said families. |
The law on amendments to articles 21 and 33 of the law on labor protection No. 1454-VI of June 4, 2009 |
The law sets a procedure for the issue of permits on the start of projects requiring dangerous labor by a central body of executive power. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on provision of citizens with apartments No. 1510-VI of June 11, 2009 |
The law foresees the issue of providing money instead apartments to citizens entitled with privileges in receiving apartments. |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws on prestige of miners’ labor No. 1564-VI of June 25, 2009 |
The law amends the law on the increase of prestige of miners’ labor, the terms for paying wages to miners, social protection and taxation |
The law on amendments to some Ukrainian laws regarding time-based wage No. 1574-VI of June 25, 2009 |
According to the law, the minimum wage will be calculated based on time spent at work. |
The law on setting subsistence wage and minimum wage No. 1646-VI of October 20, 2009 |
The law increased the size of subsistence wage and minimum wage. |
Regulation of activities of the state machine |
Cabinet resolution on amendments to clause four of the resolution on the state tax administration of Ukraine (STAU) No. 1257 of November 25, 2009 |
According to the document, STAU implements measures to prevent, reveal and stop corruption. |
Cabinet resolution on the approval of a procedure for giving gifts during official events No. 1337 of December 8, 2009 |
The resolution sets a procedure for giving gifts received by officials during official events to a state power body, a local self-governing body, organization or other company, where state officials work. |
Cabinet resolution on the approval of a procedure for collection and announcement of information on economic entities that have been held criminally liable for corruption No. 1315 of December 8, 2009 |
Clause one of the resolution approves a procedure for collection and announcement of information on economic entities that has been held criminally liable for corruption. |
Cabinet resolution on the approval of a procedure for informing the public on the results of anti-corruption work No. 1336 of December 8, 2009 |
According to the document, state bodies and empowered officials in the area of preventing corruption will inform citizens about companies and their employees that may be accused of corrupt activities. |
Information was drawn up with the participation of lawyers from the AstapovLawyers firm and experts from PSP Audit.