In January 2024, Ukraine launched a bold offensive into new parts of Kursk, Russia—directly defying Vladimir Putin’s hard deadline of expelling Ukrainian forces by October 2024. This audacious move not only caught the world’s attention but also echoes historic patterns where gutsy military maneuvers led to the collapse of powerful regimes. Could Putin’s Russia be next?
History suggests that Putin’s regime is skating on thin ice.
Chuck Pfarrer, a leading military analyst and Special Correspondent for the Kyiv Post, provides expert insight into this critical moment in the war. With decades of experience advising US national security agencies and deep expertise in counterterrorism and military strategy, Pfarrer connects the dots between history, strategy, and Russia’s precarious position.
A former US Navy officer, Pfarrer has served as a military and counter-terrorism contractor, authored op-eds for The New York Times, and appeared as a counterterrorism expert on CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Fox, CSPAN, NPR, and more. His extensive analysis of gray zone operations and counter-WMD proliferation makes him one of the foremost voices on the conflict in Ukraine.
Check out more of Kyiv Post’s reporting on the 2025 Kursk Offensive:
- Ukraine’s Latest Bold Advance in Kursk: Everything We Know So Far
- VIDEO: Kursk Offensive 2025: Ukraine’s Game-Changing Move
- AFU Repels Major Russian Assault Near Kursk, Destroying 50 Vehicles and Killing 45
- Ukrainian Special Ops Crush Russian Offensive in Kursk Region
- Ukraine Strikes Russian Command Post in Kursk Region
- Ukrainian Special Ops Take Down Over a Dozen North Korean Soldiers in Kursk Offensive
- Blinken Says Ukraine Position in Kursk ‘Important’ For Negotiations
- Kursk Region Reports: Ukrainian Forces Inside Russia Repel Russian, North Korean Assaults