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​Russia trolls world by saying it cannot stop its citizens from fighting in Ukraine EXCLUSIVE
Ombudswoman: detained Tornado battalion members have bodily injuries
A year after fighting stops, depressed Yenakiyeve waits for recovery under Russian occupation EXCLUSIVE
​Poroshenko’s people still can’t find list of 2,702 convicted corrupt officials EXCLUSIVE
Resident of Russian-held Horlivka: ‘We have nothing’ EXCLUSIVE
Luhansk authorities say militants shell Popasna, injure Ukrainian soldier
At least 2,180 soldiers killed in Russia’s war against Ukraine EXCLUSIVE
Persecuted Crimean Tatar TV channel reopens in Kyiv EXCLUSIVE
Accusations of logo theft greet new party of Kolomoisky allies EXCLUSIVE
Equal rights for gays still distant dream in Ukraine EXCLUSIVE
Poroshenko says local elections in Ukraine will be held on Oct. 25, date on which they will be held in Donbas is hard to predict
Shell pulls out of east Ukraine gas exploration project EXCLUSIVE
​Moskal sends prosecutors list of 65 crimes committed by Aidar Battalion EXCLUSIVE
Anti-gay extremists violently break up gay pride march in Kyiv; several injured, many arrests EXCLUSIVE
Poll: More Moldovans prefer integration with EEU to EU, NATO membership
Right Sector threatens Kyiv gay pride march (VIDEO) EXCLUSIVE