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Ukraine Can’t Wait Another 75 Years to Join NATO, Says Chief Diplomat
Zelensky Invites US Governors to Visit to See Results of Russia’s Aggression
WORLD BRIEFING: July 13, 2024
Zelensky to Visit Great Britain, Ireland Next Week - Media
Chinese Military Delegation Negotiates Logistics Cooperation with Belarus
Locally Repaired Russian Commercial Aircraft Crashes on ‘Test Flight’
NATO and North Korea Exchange Mutual Condemnation Over Pyongyang Aid to Kremlin
NATO Summit: What's the Upshot?
Russian Soldier Flees from Belgorod Region After Shooting Comrades
Was There a Chance for Peace in 2022?
Russian Oil Depot on Fire After Ukrainian Drone Attack, Says Rostov Governor
Russian, US Defense Chiefs Discussed Lowering Escalation in Call
Overcoming the Dementia of the Free World
OSCE Official Gets Jail Term for 'Spying' in Russian-Held Ukraine
Finland Reports GPS Malfunctions Due to Russian Jamming
US Air Force Issues First RFP for Weapon Specifically Intended for Ukraine