A 57-year-old Russian national stabbed two Ukrainian men to death in a shopping center in Murnau, Germany, on Saturday evening.

According to a press release by the Bavaria Police, the first victim, a 36-year-old Ukrainian national died on the scene, while a second victim, a 23-year-old Ukrainian, succumbed to his injuries in the evening at a hospital nearby.

The Bavaria Police said the suspect was a 57-year-old Russian national who was arrested “at his home address not far from the crime scene” following the incident.

“On Saturday (April 27, 2024), at 5:20 p.m., the operations center of the Upper Bavaria South Police Headquarters received a report about two seriously injured men in Murnau, Burggraben.

“The emergency services were immediately alerted and were able to determine on-site that one of the men had already succumbed to his serious injuries. The second man, who was initially found with very serious injuries, also died after being taken to a nearby hospital despite immediate resuscitation measures,” the press release states.


Investigations are ongoing, and the motive behind the incident remains unclear. The Bavaria Police has called on witnesses to come forward to “provide information about a possible dispute or previous history” and “other relevant information that would help clarify the circumstances of the crime.”

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Comments (2)

Mark Rockford
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Murderous Russians. We should close off all immigration from Russia. They can stay among their own at home. We don’t meed them and their complete disregard for life in our countries.

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Most likely victims of a crazy person. However, this is certainly worth getting to the core of regarding motivation.

Putin's regime has leveraged all modes of spreading harm in democracies regardless of its moral deviancy. Who would have thought a decade ago, that false tweets or social media posts were weapons of war? That a needy refugee at one's border was an unwilling weapon of war? That an online romance scam or similar was a means to fund a despot's war machine at our nations expense.

We've known Russian spys and mercenaries are sent to take out human targets living legally in our societies. We know their operatives now use invisible waves ("Havana Syndrome") are used to disable our public servants. We know putins trolls are paid to verbally attack us.

As paranoid as any of those thoughts would have once sounde, each has now been proven true. These are all now the tools foreign tyrants use to sow chaos amongst our democracies. Yet all these modern attacks are allowed by our governments without war repercussion.

If it turns out putin can actually now harness latent 'Manchurian candidates" embedded amongst us to murder .....what will be the response of our allied leadership? Can we finally officially move our nations to a war footing and attack back?

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@John, calling a murderous genocidal Russian "crazy" infers that this murderer was different than the typical Russian whose very DNA is full of genocide against ukrainians. even if they don't act it out with actual murder they hope for and recommend the genocidal murdering of all ukrainians in their hearts. This Russian was not crazy except that he acted out the true feelings of the Russian people collectively towards ukrainians - that is to brutally murder all of them. Calling him crazy is the default excuse used to exonerate all terrorist killers such as all the Muslim killers in Europe.

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@Carl, I'm not exonerating this or any other whack job murderer of innocents. I'm screaming as loud as I can type, that anything that can be weaponized, has been weaponized by putin's regime to the detriment of democratic societies and that our leadership is under responding to the threat.

Putin's ORCS whether delusionally serving in his military, supporting his military / vile government, or otherwise thinking they are justly at war with Ukraine (or its allies) ...even as expats, are firstly brainwashed idiots (thats polite) AND if they follow through with on putin's evil desires and kill someone, then they are murderers.

Leadership words matter and those that knowingly sow hate and falsehoods incenting weak minded idiots to inflict violence should also be held culpable for those crimes. That certainly includes putin. The list of hate spewing, congenital lying political leadership is sadly much longer...most align with putin though.

Perhaps the word 'crazy' was mis-chosen. Psychotic murderer is probably more correct.
