The District Administrative Court of Kyiv has cancelled the registration certificates of five political parties, the press service of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine said on Nov. 24, with reference to Justice Minister Oleksandr Lavrynovych.
In particular, the single register of public formations was supplemented with information about the annulment of the registration certificates of the Radical Breakthrough Party, the Pragmatic Choice Party, the Party of Muslims of Ukraine, the Green Party of Ukraine, and the Rights Defense Party for the protection of non-governmental organizations in Ukraine.
The ministry’s press service said that the certificates were cancelled because the mentioned parties did not nominate candidates for the presidential elections in Ukraine in 2004, 2010, and parliamentary elections in 2002, 2006, and unscheduled parliamentary elections in 2007.
Lavrynovych explained that Article 24 of the law on political parties of Ukraine stipulates that if a party does not nominate candidates for presidential and parliamentary elections for ten years, the agency that registered such political parties has to appeal to a court with a request to annul their registration certificates.
Under a court ruling on the annulment of the registration certificate of a political party, the activity of the party must be stopped, its boards in regional, town, and district organizations and other statutory formations of the political party disbanded, and records of membership of the party cancelled.
In September 2011 the Internet Party of Ukraine was registered under No. 197 in the register of the Justice Ministry of Ukraine.