Statement of John Demjanjuk

With the court’s decision to continue this trial, the judges, who do not have any jurisdiction and – because Germany is the successor of the Third Reich – no moral competence, infringe upon the principles of a fair trial, the truth, the law and the concept of justice.

At Nuremburg, and in the later prosecutions in Germany, no prosecutor and no judge dared to distort the law and the facts as has been done here. Indeed, the continued refusal of the German authorities to accept responsibility for the torture and death of millions of Soviet POWs and the inhumane conditions under which we were held, is a way of denying the full German responsibility for the Nazi holocaust.

I accuse Judges Alt, Lenz and Pfluger:

The judges ignore the facts in order to make an "owner of a German office" out of me – a simple prisoner-of-war – knowing that all the documentary evidence shows, without a shadow of doubt, that this is ridiculous.

The judges rewrite history and falsify the Polish decision by saying, that it was only and exclusively about Treblinka and not at all about Sobibor.

The judges suppress the Israeli, American, Polish, Russian and Ukrainian files about me, fearing that there is more evidence of my innocence. They suppress evidence of the fact that I was previously investigated and tried in Poland and Israel for Sobibor surviving 7.5 years of wrongful imprisonment. This is all evidence of the fact that the trial in Munich against me is illegal and wrong.

The judges break the law and invent new rules by persecuting me exclusively and nobody else alleged to have been a Trawniki and to have helped the Nazis. No Trawniki was ever prosecuted in Germany before for something like assisting the Nazis. Even the judges’ countrymen were acquitted or never even tried.

The judges, knowingly and willingly, chose expert witnesses who were already engaged by OSI, who they knew for certain would give testimony influenced and directed by OSI, the criminal enterprise which fraudulently sent me to Israel hoping for a death sentence to be carried out by suppressing mountains of exculpatory evidence as the US Courts have found multiple times.

Not one known witness remains alive today to be cross-examined to clear me of these charges.

The judges chose Charles Sydnor as an expert witness even though public records prove he is biased because as early as 1989 he expressed a desire to see me hanged on the gallows because he believed I was a monster.

Further, I refer to all statements which my defense lawyer Dr. Ulrich Busch has written to the court on my behalf.

The decision to continue with this trial is a crime of infringement of the law and a deprivation of my liberty.

With this statement, I bring a charge against Judges Alt, Lenz and Pfluger for infringement of the law and deprivation of my liberty.

I ask that my statement be provided to the authorities who must investigate and decide to take action regarding this serious charge.

John Demjanjuk

Note: If you are interested in contacting the Demjanjuk defense team, you may do so by e-mail (please note there is a dot between Help and JohnD).

Added John Demjanjuk Jr., son of the defendant:

“While they silence the prison doctors and deny us the weekly clinical reports – against all Western legal and humanitarian standards – the judges rely on a court appointed medical stooge whose therapy is to shoot my father with various drugs and call him fit. The court’s bias is further evidenced by their willingness to ignore the Demjanjuk investigative files still hidden in Russia. The history of the Israeli proceeding, which nearly ended in the execution of the wrong man, should cause them to want all of the evidence available.”