In his own words, the new government is made up of people who are able to work 16 hours per day, with “no breaks and weekends”, can take responsibility and not be afraid to say ‘no’ to authorities.
Video recording of this speech were also broadcast on March 19, 2010 in ‘Facty’ news ( ІСТV channel). Below are some Internet media links to Azarov’s speech:,,,,
On March 22 representatives of non-government organizations – including the Information and Counseling Center for Women, International Women’s Rights Center ‘La Strada-Ukraine’, All-Ukrainian non-government organization «50/50», School of Equal Opportunities, Youth Section of All-Ukrainian network against commercial sexual exploitation of children, Rozvytok Demokratii Center (Democracy Development) –submitted an appeal to Ombudsman of Ukraine against Prime Minister of Ukraine (registration No. 148070.10/26) against gender discrimination.
The appeal referred to Articles 24, 55 of the Ukrainian Constitution, Articles 5, 7, 11 of UN Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, Articles 1, 9, 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On Men’s and Women’s Equal Rights and Opportunities”, Articles 4, 5 of the Law of Ukraine “On Citizens’ Appeals”, and Article 17 of the Law of Ukraine “On Verhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner.”
Ukrainian legislation gives the society the means to appeal against discriminatory actions, including actions of governmental officials. Verhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner (Ombudsman), acting on the basis of law “On Men’s and Women’s Equal Rights and Opportunities” is obliged to consider such appeals and react.
The quoted Azarov’s words came in a public speech of a top state official, which gives grounds to consider it a tendency in the administrative decisions, with the consequence being violation of human rights and legitimate interests of the large group of the population, the Ukrainian women. This speech also created obstacles for women to implement their constitutional right to participate in governing the state affairs, which is also an example of direct discrimination, the appeal says.
Azarov’s statement “With all my respect to women – it’s none of women’s business to implement reforms in Ukraine” is direct discrimination of Ukrainian female community. The rest of his declaration, saying that the “new government consists of people who are able to work 16 hours a day, with no breaks and weekends, may take responsibility and not be afraid to say ‘no’ to authorities” is not only discrimination, but also an offence to all women living in Ukraine and denigration of women’s talents and skills, hinting at their second-rate status in society, irresponsibility and inferiority compared to men – all in violation of the Constitution of Ukraine.
The authors of the appeal to the Ukrainian Ombudsman are demanding initiation of proceedings regarding gender discrimination and measures to renew the rights of those whose rights were discriminated.