The reason for its creation is simple. “There is no greater tyranny,” the French thinker Montesquieu wrote, “than that which is perpetrated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.” President Viktor Yanukovych has perpetrated tyranny against a political adversary while cowardly hiding behind the law. It has ramifications for all Ukrainians including those who are Yanukovych supporters.
Viktor Fedorovych has mocked justice, compromised democracy and damaged Ukraine’s standing in the world. His self-serving behavior has indefinitely delayed the country’s entry into the European Union. It has undermined Ukraine’s ability to grow its economy and create good paying jobs.
In addition, if Tymoshenko, an internationally recognized leader, can be treated with such vulgar political spitefulness then no one in Ukraine is safe from judicial tyranny.
In the long-term, the misuse of justice enables a corrupt culture to fester long after he’s out of office. Today, Tymoshenko is the victim of political retribution. Tomorrow it may be an ordinary citizen not as well known as Tymoshenko.
So long as Tymoshenko is in prison, no one, including Yanukovych supporters, can be assured of justice. Viktor Fedorovych has co-opted the judiciary, a branch of government that should be fair, impartial, and independent for everyone no matter their politics.
Tymoshenko was indicted, tried, and convicted under a law that by its very nature had no basis in sound legal theory. Assuming, only for discussion purposes, that Tymoshenko did not negotiate a gas deal with Russia beneficial to Ukraine, later punishing her for it suggests that any public official can be put in jail for any perceived misstep. Whether Tymoshenko negotiated the best deal is politically subjective.
If Western democracies used such a legal system they would collapse into chaos. If there is any chance that an elected official can be put in jail for poorly negotiating an agreement then why would anyone want to serve in public office? Poor performance in office should be determined at the ballot box not a criminal trial.
Based on Yanukovych’s support for such an arcane, illogical and Stalin-like law, perhaps it should now be asked: Did the president negotiate the best deal to allow the Russian fleet to stay in the Black Sea? Wasn’t the treaty supposed to be tied to lowering natural gas prices? Yanukovych complains that Ukraine’s natural gas problems stem from Tymoshenko’s time in office. Instead, they may stem from the last natural gas negotiations that his administration handled.
Three questions arise regarding the agreement negotiated by the Yanukovych administration concerning Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. Was it in the best interest of Ukraine’s sovereignty? Is the lease a fair price? And since it was supposed to be tied to natural gas prices why has no benefit been realized?
Should a criminal investigation be opened into Yanukovych’s handling of the matter? If so, then the flawed theory in doing so would be consistent in the one used against Tymoshenko.
No matter how much time passes , Viktor Fedorovych must be reminded at every opportunity that Tymoshenko will never be forgotten. Complacency or indifference toward this injustice is as egregious as the president’s unethical and immoral behavior. Vigilance must be maintained to free Ukraine’s Iron Lady no matter how long it takes.
It also should be underscored that the petition on behalf of Tymoshenko is about more than her freedom. As in any democracy, strong or fledgling, liberty is never dependent on one person. The issue that confronts Ukraine is much larger than the travesty suffered by Tymoshenko. Democracy cannot survive if its laws are not fair, impartial and grounded in logic and common sense for all citizens.
The “Free Yulia Tymoshenko Petition” is not only about the gross injustice shown to one individual, but also its potential impact on average citizens. It’s about the kind of Ukraine parents want for their children and grand children. Would anyone want what happened to Tymoshenko, regardless of whether they like her, happen to them or their children? This is why the petition is important. It’s an effort to stop the tyranny taking hold in Ukraine. Stopping the tyranny benefits all Ukrainians no matter their political views or alliances.
Bishop Paul Peter Jesep is a New York attorney and Metropolitan Myfodii’s U.S. designated spokesperson and government liaison for the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church-Kyiv Patriarchate, one of the three major Orthodox churches in Ukraine. The views expressed here are solely his own and in no way reflect those of his church.