You're reading: On the move: Andreas Umland, Kyiv – Mohyla Academy

Andreas Umland was appointed Senior Lecturer in Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Social Technologies of the National University of Kyiv – Mohyla Academy. His long-term lectureship is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service.

In his new post, Umland will teach within the Master in German and European Studies program at the Department of Political Science, a two-year German-language course launched by Kyiv – Mohyla Academy, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, and German exchange service DAAD.

Prior to this position, Umland has worked as a NATO and Thyssen Fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution and Harvard’s Weatherhead Center as well as a Bosch Lecturer at The Urals State University of Yekaterinburg, St. Antony’s College Oxford, and Shevchenko University of Kyiv.

Umland taught contemporary East European history at The Catholic University of Eichstaett-Ingolstadt, Bavaria.

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