You're reading: Top 7 video games based on the EuroMaidan Revolution

The recent EuroMaidan Revolution inspired Ukrainian game developers to release several EuroMaidan-based videogames for iPad and iPhone. Some can also be played on PC online.  

Prison 3D

The game featuring former Ukrainian President Viktor
Yanukovych appeared on the Google PlayMarket at the end of
December 2013. In the game, Yanukovych is jailed in a prison cell and has few options
– walk, listen to the radio and watch TV. The game has been downloaded 108,000 times by now.

Vladyslav Kastillo, a
24-year old game developer from Kryviy Rih, did not expect such popularity.

was ill and had to stay home. So I developed the game simply to avoid boredom,”
he said.

The game can be downloaded here


Crushing Berkut riot police is the main task of the
game. To get rid of them a player has to throw Molotov cocktails. 

Released in March, the game was downloaded over 10,000
times. The game has six levels and reflects the chronology of the EuroMaidan events. On the first level a player has to fight Berkut on Hrushevskoho Street, and on the higher levels the clashes continue at Shovkovychna Street and Maidan
Nezalezhnosti. On the last level a player gets a bonus.

“You will have a chance to throw Molotov cocktails at foreign aggressors (Russia’s
President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev),” reads the
description of the game.

The game can be downloaded here

A night on Maidan

Krutyn, a 16-year old schoolboy from Cherkasy, visited Kyiv’s Euromaidan at the end
of December. The self-defense units and the
EuroMaidan barricades impressed him so much that Krutyn
immediately decided to develop a game about EuroMaidan.

the game’s protagonist, is armed with a Kalashnikov and has to protect
barricades, shooting Berkut riot police and titushkas. The game
has 10 levels and is quite very popular. It was downloaded 88,000 times
since December.

Krutyn received many thankful feedbacks from Ukrainian users,
yet Russians mostly dislike the idea of the game.

“Russians criticize me
for my game, they call me a Banderite (Ukrainian nationalist) and a fascist,”
Krutyn said.

The game can be downloaded here

Angry Ukrainians

The game is a clone of the popular Angry Birds game. The Angry Ukrainians was released
at the beginning of January. More than 100,000 users downloaded it since then.

“In the game a player can feel the atmosphere of the
revolution,” says Ostap Ronzhyn, a 23-year old game developer from Kyiv.

In the game, a player fights titushkas and Berkut riot police. The game starts
with the brutal disperse of the EuroMaidan and ends with riot police assault on
the EuroMaidan in the middle of February.

plans to release the second version of the game later this month. The Angry Ukrainians
2 will have better graphics, more characters and levels.

“A player will have a chance to avenge some criminal politicians. It will be a visualization of
people ‘s desires,” Ronzhyn adds.

The game can be downloaded here

Flappy Victor

“I wanted to create a Ukrainian version of a popular tablet
game Flappy Bird for a long time but only the escape of Yanukovych gave me the impulse to develop it,’ Ronzhyn said.

Yanukovych, the
main character of the game, has a head with wings. A player makes him fly around yellow and blue tubes.

“It’s hard to play as Yanukovych is
constantly smashing against the obstacles,” the developer says. “This is the
only game in which a gamer is pleased to lose,” Ronzhyn added.

Surprisingly, most of the 80,000 users that downloaded the game were Russians.

The game can be downloaded here

Pokrashchennya (Improvement)

iPhone and iPad owners can download a strategy game Pokrashchennya (Improvement) in App Store. This is an addictive
puzzle game that reflects the recent Ukrainian political events. Ordinary protesters and Ukrainian politicians
are the main characters there.

“You can go all the way from a redneck to a president,”
the game description says. “In our game you will launder
the country’s budget, rewrite constitution and become a proud owner of a golden

The game can be downloaded here

EuroMaidan 2014

This is probably the most gloomy game about the recent
Ukrainian protests. Ruins of Kyiv are the game’s arena. The real photos of the
burnt buildings and buses are the background for the site.

“This game is a
joke. We do not encourage the actions depicted in the game,” the
developers mentioned.

You can register and play the game online here

Kyiv Post staff writer Nataliya Trach can be
reached at